Articles Posted in Neglect


Electronic Medical Records May be Causing more Harm than Good

Throughout the 21st century, technology has evolved and become a monumental necessity in our everyday lives. The technological advancements have unfolded exponentially throughout recent years and have modernized prominent industries, including the medical field. According to the Boston Globe, a major innovation in the medical realm is the initiation of…


Implementing Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Dementia

It is becoming increasingly evident that pharmacological interventions should be a last resort when treating patients with dementia. Due to a lack of resources and staff most skilled nursing home facilities overlook non-pharmacological options. However, studies have shown that non-pharmacological treatments are a safer alternative for patients. While pharmacological interventions…


Investigation Reveals Rampant Abuse and Neglect at Alzheimer’s Care of Commerce

One may feel that by placing their loved ones under the care of a skilled nursing facility, they would be provided with quality care. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. An investigation began on March 29, 2013 when an employee at an assisted living facility, Alzheimer’s Care of Commerce…


States Move toward Implementing Surveillance in Nursing Homes

Due to the prevalence of nursing home abuse arising across the nation, some states have begun moving towards implementing legislation to explicitly allow surveillance cameras in the rooms of patients residing in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. These surveillance cameras will be used to record evidence of instances of…


New Study Explores Link Between Hypotension and Pressure Ulcer Development

Many elderly residents who are hospitalized or living in nursing homes frequently develop pressure ulcers, the development of which risk further complications and even death. Consequently, caretakers for the elderly, particularly those in hospitals and nursing homes, must take precautions to prevent pressure ulcer development within this population. Studies have…


Investigation Reveals Mass Dismissal of Elderly Abuse Cases

A recent investigation by the Center for Investigative Reporting revealed that the California Department of Public Health dismissed about 1,000 pending cases in 2009 which alleged caretaker abuse and theft, without taking any action. This hurried dismissal of cases occurred to alleviate the Department’s extreme backlog of cases. These closed…


Elder Physical Abuse Prevalent in Nursing Homes

Research on the prevalence of physical abuse in nursing homes has been difficult to conduct because there are significant flaws in the method of collecting the data. Both nursing home staff and resident families often harbor a sense of guilt which causes under-reporting in surveys conducted to address this issue.…

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