Elder abuse and neglect within America is very common in nursing facilities, but is a largely ignored issue. However, a new online tool has recently been introduced that promises to change the way elder patient safety and abuse is monitored and understood. Created by ProPublica, Nursing Home Inspect now allows…
Articles Posted in Quality of Care
The Existence of Rituals of Abuse in Nursing Homes
It has been estimated that with the “baby boom” generation now approaching retirement age, nearly 25% of the elderly population aged 65 years or older will spend part of their life residing within a nursing home. While the elderly should both expect and receive excellent, loving care at a facility…
Lack of Training in Nursing Home Staff Can Lead to Preventable Emergency Hospitalizations
In every calendar year, roughly 25% of all the patients in a nursing home are transferred to a hospital or emergency room. There have been recent concerns within the healthcare community that transfer rates are higher than what they should be. A recently published study looks at the frequency of…
Failure of Nurses to Wash Hands Greatly Increases Spread of Infections
A recent study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection looks at the transmission of bacteria in long term care facilities. The researchers reported the results of their experiment in “Effect of an infection control programme on bacterial contamination of enteral feed in nursing homes”. The study measured the spread…
Recent Study Links Osteoporosis Medications to Incidents of Thigh Fractures
Osteoporosis is an common bone disease, especially in women over the age of fifty. While many medications have proven to be effective in the treatment of osteoporosis, recent studies link a class of drugs called biphosphonates to thigh fractures. Two examples of biphosphonates that are used to treat osteoporosis are…
Medicare’s ‘No-pay’ Rule Has Lead to Improvements in Infection-Control in Health Care Facilities
When it was first adopted, Medicare’s ‘no-pay’ rule was a controversial topic in the world of healthcare. Under the ‘no-pay’ rule, healthcare facilities are not eligible to receive Medicare funding for treatment of conditions acquired within the facility. However, this rule has actually proven to be beneficial to improving quality…
How You Can Avoid Burnout and Still Care for Your Aging Parents
Many couples nowadays work simultaneously and take care of both their aging parents and their children. Coined the “sandwich generation”, these couples may experience a burnout as they have to focus on their job, care for their children, their marriage and the health of their aging parents. A study published…
Recent Study Links the Lack of Direct Care from Registered Nurses to an Increase in Pressure Sores in Los Angeles Nursing Homes
A recent article titled “Observing How RNs Use Clinical Time in a Nursing Home: A Pilot Study” observes how RNs allocate their time between direct and indirect care of their patients. While direct care generally involves physical and psychological care and the administration of treatments, indirect care is more administrative,…
Patient Dumping: A Common Practice in Los Angeles Healthcare Facilities
Recently, the Los Angeles Times reported on a hospital that has been accused of patient dumping. Jesse Bravo, a patient at White Memorial Medical Center here in Los Angeles was admitted to the hospital for treatment of schizophrenia. When he was discharged, Bravo’s wife was not notified and instead, he…
Recent Study Proves that Los Angeles Nursing Homes Need to Be More Careful in Administering High Dosages of Drugs
A recent article, titled “Anemia in Nursing Homes: A Complex Issue,” was published in the Journal of American Medical Directors and studied the nature of anemia in skilled nursing facilities, including its causes and treatments. The article cited iron deficiency, protein malnutrition, frailty, and weight loss as some causes for…