
California Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Blog


Nursing Homes Should Identify Potentially Preventable Emergency Department Visits by Their Residents

Emergency Department (ED) visits and subsequent hospital admissions from nursing homes (NHs) are common and can be costly to the patient and the health care system. Unfortunately, many of the over 2.2 million ED visits annually by nursing home residents are preventable. The Office of the Inspector General reported that…


Low Nursing Home Staffing Results in Dangerous Outcomes for Residents

Far too many nursing homes are experiencing an extreme shortage of staff that has diminished the quality and safety of care for their elderly and disabled. Frailty and dependency on nursing home staff is prevalent among residents who not only need assistance in performing basic activities of daily living, but…


Nursing Homes Must Strive to Maintain Their Residents’ Nutritional Status at Optimum Levels—Especially Those at High Risk of Hip Fracture

Hip fractures (HFs) are highly prevalent among older adults and are a major cause of severe, often constant functional impairment. Those with HFs have diminished self-care abilities, causing increased disability and significant loss in independence and quality of life. Although there are those who are able to obtain complete functional…


New Treatments Available for Older Adults with Osteoporosis

Research shows that nearly 80% of nursing home residents have osteoporosis and 10.8% have a hip fracture.  Dementia significantly increases residents’ risk of a hip fracture.  Although treating osteoporosis in nursing homes was proven to be feasible by the Vitamin D and Osteoporosis Study (ViDOS), only one-third of residents prone to…


Nursing Home Facilities’ Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotic Medication is Detrimental to Residents with Dementia

It has taken far too long, but the Obama administration is finally cracking down on nursing homes to curtail inappropriate use of antipsychotic medications such as Abilify, Risperdal, Zyprexa, and clozapine on residents with Alzhiemer’s disease and dementia. Federal investigators report that many older Americans are overusing psychiatric drugs and…


The Palestinian Authority Declared Guilty and Charged Over $655 Million

Justice against the Palestinian Authority has finally been served. The six terrorist attacks following the Second Intifada’s end in 2004 was proven on Monday by lead trial counsel Kent Yalowitz of Arnold & Porter to have been supported by the Palestinian Authority in the form of money and personnel. Yalowitz…


New Rules to Five Star Keep Nursing Homes on Their Toes

A new stringent system is waiting to be implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to Nursing Home Compare that will lower the cut-off points regarding the attainment of certain star levels. The system calls for 11 new quality measures that threaten to jeopardize star ratings of as…


The 24-Hour Report as an Effective Infection Prevention Tool in Nursing Homes

A recent study exploring the effectiveness of twenty-four-hour reports in infection prevention and control showed that they are essential components. Infections are known to be highly prevalent among nursing home residents and can lead to morbidity and mortality. This fact is unsurprising, considering that residents are constantly clustered in constrained…


NBC News Confirms Nursing Homes Artificially Inflate Actual Nursing Levels Provided

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, there are a total of 16,100 nursing homes in America with approximately 1.5 million patients residing in these facilities. Due to the rapidly growing baby boomer generation, the number of patients residing in these facilities is bound to increase. Although a…

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