
California Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Blog


How hospice care of a resident can affect family members

End-of-life care and decisions are an emotional and stressful process for both the patient and surrounding family members. Death is part of life that everyone goes through, yet it remains a traumatic experience. Older adults face end-of-life issues when they choose to receive therapeutic care rather than aggressive treatment, and…


New Nursing Home Rating System to Better Evaluate Quality of Care

According to the New York Times, the federal government will be implementing significant changes to the rating system of nursing homes in the United States. Currently, the ratings are based on a five star system that is scrutinized by the public. This five star rating system “has been criticized for…


The Overuse of Antipsychotics in the Healthcare Industry

Antipsychotic drugs are an increasingly common form of medication for elderly patients in health care facilities. Although these drugs treat a wide variety of health concerns, most prescribed are unnecessary, and have the potential to cause more harm than good. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, a professor…


Elder Care Technology can give Independence to Alzheimer’s Patients

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, over 5.3 million people over the age of 65 have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States. Alzheimer’s is a disease that not only inhibits the patient’s mental capacity, but also can be a severe burden on family and friends close to the…


Electronic Medical Records May be Causing more Harm than Good

Throughout the 21st century, technology has evolved and become a monumental necessity in our everyday lives. The technological advancements have unfolded exponentially throughout recent years and have modernized prominent industries, including the medical field. According to the Boston Globe, a major innovation in the medical realm is the initiation of…


Law Makers Called On to Improve Preventable Medical Error Deaths

Medical Errors account for approximately 1,000 deaths daily.  These preventable errors are the third leading cause of death in 2013. Medical Errors are avertable actions that can include errors in medication administration and botched surgeries. With simple changes in attention and focus, coupled with assistance from the government health agencies,…


Caregivers Unable to Sue for Injuries Sustained by an Alzheimer’s Patient

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior”. Alzheimer’s affects 5 million US citizens, which in turn, establishes the disease as the 6th leading cause of death in the country. Alzheimer’s disease has no known cure, prevention, or treatment.…


Overuse of Antipsychotic Medications in Nursing Homes

According to the American Association of Retired Persons, AARP, 1 in 5 elderly patients—in over 15,500 nursing homes—are administered powerful antipsychotic medications that have the ability to create detrimental, and possibly fatal, side effects. Antipsychotics are habitually distributed to subdue the patient and create a less chaotic work environment for…

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