
California Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Blog


U.S. Court of Appeals Ruling Protects Marketing of Off-Label Uses of Pharmaceuticals

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has consistently warned of the dangers of using pharmaceuticals for off-label purposes. Using a drug for off-label purposes means using it for purposes for which it has not specifically been approved by the FDA. Unfortunately, however, off-label use of drugs still accounts for 80%…


Performance-Based Payroll Programs Can Improve Quality of Care and Reduce Mortality

Nursing homes and hospitals around the world have long operated on experience-based pay scales. Only recently, however, have various hospitals begun adopting performance-based payroll systems to improve the quality of care. The results are especially crucial for American health providers, who will move towards pay for performance in 2013 when…


A Report by the Care Quality Commission Reveals Universal Problems in Long-Term Care Facilities

The Care Quality Commission recently published a report called “The state of health care and adult social care in England” that reveals problems that are universal to long-term care facilities. The report concluded that three factors can be linked to low quality of care in nursing homes: a culture where…


Medicare and Medicaid Pushing for a Reduction in the Use of Antipsychotic Medications in California Nursing Homes

A recent article published in the Journal of American Medical Directors Association titled “Antipsychotics and Dementia: A Time for Restraint?” reports on the usage of antipsychotic medications in nursing homes. It is true, indeed, that antipsychotic medications have in many ways improved quality of care for those with illnesses such…


Recent Study Confirms the Link between Understaffing and Falls

A new study that was published in the May 2012 edition of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society was the first national study to assess fall rates among newly-admitted nursing home residents. Researchers for the study, which was spearheaded by University of Southern California gerontology and occupational science researcher…


Non-Pharmacological Alternatives Provide Better Treatment for Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia

The neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia (NPS), which are characterized by psychological and behavioral problems, have a rather large presence within nursing homes as about 60% of the elderly individuals living in long term care have been diagnosed with dementia. The majority of the individuals of this group will go on…


ProPublica’s Nursing Home Inspect: Bringing Light to Elder Abuse in Your Area

Elder abuse and neglect within America is very common in nursing facilities, but is a largely ignored issue. However, a new online tool has recently been introduced that promises to change the way elder patient safety and abuse is monitored and understood. Created by ProPublica, Nursing Home Inspect now allows…


The Impact and Prevention of Chemical Restraints on Falls in Nursing Facilities

Falls occur very frequently within nursing homes and usually result in bone fractures, broken hips, or head injuries. These injuries often require hospitalization and can be prevented with proper attention and supervision, along with a decrease of environmental hazards within nursing homes that contribute to the problem. The Centers for…

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