Elder abuse and neglect within America is very common in nursing facilities, but is a largely ignored issue. However, a new online tool has recently been introduced that promises to change the way elder patient safety and abuse is monitored and understood. Created by ProPublica, Nursing Home Inspect now allows anyone with an internet connection the ability to check the nursing homes in their surrounding area for their most recent government inspection reports, with the statistics compiled together. Also included is a tipsheet on how to use Nursing Home Inspect to the best of its ability. It differs from the records found on the official U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website, as it allows you to search by keyword, city, and home’s name and also allows you to search all of the government reports at one time. Overall, the website is very convenient and user friendly. These government inspection forms are important, as they note potential abuse and neglect found through documentation of deficiencies within specific nursing homes.
The ProPublica database conducts its searches such that it allows the user to look for a pattern of problems that might exist in the nursing homes within his of her area. This is extremely useful to those doing research on the nursing homes within their area to see what kind of situations they might be placing their loved ones in. There are many common problems that exist within nursing homes, most of which can be linked to understaffing or lack of proper training within a nursing facility. Both lead to the substandard care of the elderly, which in turn cause diseases and injuries that could have been preventable in the first place.
One such problem is the development of pressure ulcers, which are open wounds that form when constant pressure cuts off a patient’s blood supply to a certain area of the body. Usage of the Nursing Home Inspect database to search for the phrase “pressure sore” turned up over 2,000 results, which is an alarming number of incidents considering that pressure sores are preventable. The inability of a facility to prevent pressure ulcers from development and aggravation usually is a clear indication of neglect occurring within the nursing home.